Kamis, 25 September 2008

I am a lucky bitch

I've been browsing around. All airlines. All, either fully booked or too much expensive.

I have nine days holiday. But have no place to go. I have many places I'd like to go. But it's too expensive. Well, it's holiday, means high season. All the price is just high above you could imagine. I decided to stay in town.

Suddenly I have a lonely feeling come out from inside of me. I feel really really lonely. I want to go to Medan and see my family. Ya, I miss my mom a lot. So, I had been thinking to get a bus ticket to get there. Much much cheaper and I will experience some adventure. To postpone it a while before decide on anything, I was so hectic with my work. When it all finished, I start to browse again. Try my luck to get a cheap (well, affordable) airline ticket.

And? Yes, I am so lucky. I am a lucky damn biatch. I got return ticket to see my Mom for only 1,6.

Back to 8.30 am this morning. I start my yahoo messenger service. I set the status : It's my lucky day. And it turn out to be my lucky day. I am a lucky bitch!

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