Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008

Ada yang sakit hati dan men terror saya

I started today with a full energy. Woke up really early. Well, 6.15 is early for me. Hari ini emang uda niat mau masak. Dimulai dengan menyiapkan bahan2, lalu masak2 deh. Beres semua, sambil membereskan laundry ke mesin cuci. Gila. Tepat jam 7.30 aku uda siap di mobil untuk berangkat.

Diperjalanan aku mendengarkan hardrock fm seperti biasa. Lalu entah dpt dorongan drmn, aku mengirimkan komentar ttg masalah yg sedang dihadapi Flip/ Dan tharaaaa, komentarku dijadikan pemenang. Walah. Aku bahkan ga tau kalo ini berhadiah. Lumayan 250rb masuk ke account ku.

What a perfect morning.

Then I had to run to a meeting with Sun System. A boring presentation, no discussion. Actually we had the sam presentation about a month ago, but one of Unit Head seems need to have another chance, so here we were. Wasting my time and skipped my lunch. Nuts.

Then I reported to my Unit Head that I will not attend the next discussion, because I already attended the same discussion before. So I put myself into an audit matters. And suddenly a shocking news came into my ears. What the hell is this going on in this life. Why there is a person hates me so much? What did I do to this person?

I don't want to cause any trouble to anybody. If my being in their relationship cause this effect, then I step back. Please stop all this things. I step aside, and I step back.

Flash back:
I received many stupid calls and emails. From a person who hide his/her identity. But it cause too much trouble to me. Bleeding and can't sleep. Even more when the stupid calls datang pas lagi focus on my work.

On the first days, only my koko knows it. He told me to ignore all of them. Later on it really bothers my daily life. You know when you received mails written like "you doomed. stay away from my babba, stupid hore.i'll make your life misserable you don't go away". I will think it only email yg salah kirim, atau orang iseng. Tapi kalo setiap hari trima email yg isinya makian pdhl gw ga tau maksudnya ini apa, gw jengah juga. Kenapa sih ga datang dan ngomong aja ke gw mau apa. I will think and consider your proposal. Mungkin aja gw approve.


Back to today. One name comes out of my koko trace ip and sort of thing IT freak do to trace a thing. I never heard that name. Iseng aku lontarkan nama itu ke teman ku. Dan tharaaaaaaaaa, it's his girlfriend real name.

Gosh. I was freezed. Don't know how to take a breath.

Never cross in my mind that I caused so much pain to somebody until that person tortures me like that. I am sorry. I will step aside, I will step back.

I really do Sorry.