I spent of my time at the office, especially this end of year moment. Not like years behind, this year keeps everybody even busier. No one talking about going away for holiday. Even on xmas's eve, I still there, busy with my so called duties. I called my boss on the phone, updated her all day progress, reminded her that I am taking my two days off, and wishing her a merry xmas. I walked around the office wisheng them merry xmas and shutted down my computer.
Thinking what I am going to do tonite...
My brother went to the church with his office mates. A friend called me to have xmas dinner together. I said yes. It was nice evening, with some friends.
I stopped by at my brother apartment, wishing him was there, so I will have a nice family xmas moment. But he is still out with his friends. Staying there, alone, made me sad. I decided to drive again. Has no place to go actually. The road is empty. Most of people must be spending time at home with their family. So I headed home directly.
I lost my heart. Feels so strange. Xmas's eve.