Jumat, 19 September 2008

Who is your 911?

When you are in emergency situation, who will be the one cross in your mind and you want to call, that you think the person can help you even only to comfort you?

Today, I found something wrong with my car's radiator and caused engine over-heated. I was in the middle of a very long toll road. I pulled over, turned off the engine. I called my mechanic. He told me what to do until I get to the garage. So, in this case I called my mechanic.

Many months ago, I was robbed in public transport. Lucky me, they didn't get my turned-off cellphone I kept in the bottom of my big bag. So then I called the bank to blok my account. Since, I only have few thousand rups left with me, I have no choice but contiued my journey home taking another public transport, even I was scared too death to the event I 've been faced.
When I got home, I called my parents to tell them about it to prevent any further lost coz by all my identity card lost. In this case I called the bank customer service and my parents.

I had another experience. Flat tire on the toll road. It was over midnite. I called my so-called bestfriend. I was panic, and need someone to at least comfort me and more than that would come and save me. The fact was, he kept asking me where I was and while I can't see any clear sign, so I said I didn't know but in the middle of toll road on my way back home. Then we started to argue about where I was. I said, never mind and hung up the phone. I called my other so-called just friend. He guided me. He asked me to keep on driving and he stay there on the phone. So I drove slowly until 15 minutes later I saw an office and there was an old man, cleaning. Then my friend told me to politely ask the man whether he can help change my flat tire. And he said yes. I handed him some money. I thank him so very much. Then my friend told me to drive safely and asked to call him back when I am arrived home. I did what he said

So who are you gonna call? I wish I lived in the country where so-called 911 hotline number is exist.

Menjadi lebih besar

Saya menemukan foto kamu. Foto 2 taon yang lalu. Ternyata memang saya tidak noticed kalo kamu sudah menambah beberapa kilos. Mungkin kemaren itu karena kita terlalu banyak makan tempe, ayam bakar dan terong balado. No worries. Kan bisa exercise. Ada baiknya kamu exercise sendirian selagi disana. Karena kalo pas saya datang, kita pasti akan menjadi sangat malas.

Tapi tidak perlu dipermasalahkan. Mengganti nomor celana menjadi lebih besar tidak apa2 koq ;p

Saat godaan datang

Cellphone saya berbunyi. Text message. "Im stayin late until 9pm. C u tomoza? Need to chop my hair". Aneh, saya merasa happy menerima text seperti itu. Saya langsung membalasnya "plant shoppin after?". Dan dia pun membalas "Sure babe. I'll call you tomorrow. Hv a gud nite"

Ada aliran hangat di relung dada. Jadi semakin bingung, kenapa saya jadi senyum2 sendiri begini.

Long distance relationship seringkali dibumbui selingan aneh ini. Saya tidak mau melakukannya, tapi saya tetap saja melangkah kesana. Gee, I need to see you and pergi dari godaan ini. Saya langsung men dial nomor nya. Oops, udah lewat midnite disana. Suaranya mengantuk. Tapi saya hanya ingin bilang, kalau saya kangen banget sama dia. Baru 1 minggu berjauhan sudah ada saja godaan yang datang. Hanya berbicara beberapa menit, lalu kami menutup telephone.

Malam itu saya tidur dengan bimbang.